Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Life Science

Genetic Worksheets

Welcome to LIFE Science!!

Day 1 Characteristics of Living Organisms

Read this page - watch the video links (let me know if any of the videos are gone).

In your NB - Add the Date and then answer these questions - restating the question in the answer!!

Remember to Restate the Question!!
1. Define organism.
2. Describe three characteristics of living things.
3. Identify three ways organisms can get the energy they require.
4. What is a cell?
5. Think about fire. Can fire be considered a living thing? Why or why not?
6. Why must organisms reproduce?
7. How is growth in a unicellular organism different from growth in a multicellular organism?
Give me your NB when finished, so I can check your answers.

Day 2 Human Body - Skin (date it) All answers need to be written your noted - restate the question!!
1.We’ll learn about cells later, but you should remember that everything in your body is made up of cells. Each cell is about 70% water so what atoms do you know are present in your cells? (answer: hydrogen and oxygen –H20)
2.Read about skin. Before you can use this site, you will need to use Google to log in. 
3.Make sure you tell the site to remember you.
4. Answer these questions: Restate the Questions!!
  1. What is the integumentary system?
  2. Outline how the epidermis is constantly being renewed.
  3. Identify three functions of the skin.
  4. How do sebaceous glands and sweat glands help maintain homeostasis?
  5. Why does it usually hurt to cut the skin but not the hair or nails?
  6. Compare and contrast the epidermis and dermis.
  7. Explain the role of melanocytes in the skin.
Give me your NB when finished, so I can check your answers.

Day 3 Human Body - Skin (date it) 
1.Watch this skin lesson.
2.What makes skin an organ? Answer in your NB - restate the quetion!
3.Look at these images of skin and make observations.

4.Write down 5 interesting facts or things you observed.
5. Print this skin diagramLabel the skin.  Here’s an image to help.
Give me your NB when finished, so I can check your answers.

Day 4 Muscular System (date it) 
1. Go to this page and read The Muscular System.
2. Answer review questions 1-6. Restate the Questions in your answers!!!

Give me your NB when finished, so I can check your answers.

Day 5 Muscular System - (date it)
  1. Play poke a muscle. Click on scan to begin. Read the names of the muscles. Click on begin. Use the scanner to find the muscle named; it will be a different color. Click on it. Ask for help if you don't understand the game. Repeat until you can click on ALL of the muscles. Take a screenshot when you are finished to show you did the entire game.
  2. Do the jigsaw puzzle.
  3. In your NB, write down 5 muscle names and where they are located on the body. In complete sentences!!!!
Day 6 Skeletal System (date it)
  1. Read about the Skeletal System.
  2. Answer the review questions 1-7. Restating the questions in your answers!!!
Give me your NB when finished, so I can check your answers.

Day 7 Skeletal System (date it) 
  1. Take a tour of the skeletal system. Click on the skeleton and then click on each name.
  2. Write down the name of each bone on the diagram, and where it is located on the body.
  3. Then you can click on the box and use the skeleton picture to help you build your own.
  4. Take a screenshot when you finish.  Print it out.
Day 8 Skeletal System (date it) Read the whole lesson before beginning!!!
  1. Watch this video on bone structure. Then take the quiz.  Write the answers to the following 7 questions from the quiz, in your notebook....
  2. How many bones there are in the human body? Write it in your NB - restating the question.
  3. Write in your NB - Where red blood are cells manufactured? - did you restate the question?
  4. What is the periosteum?  Write the answer in your NB -restating the question.
  5. How many bones did you have when you were born?  Write the answer in your NB - oh, yeah, restate the question.
  6. What is a compact bone? - Write it in your I really have to say it..ok, restate the question...
  7. Fill in the blanks "Bones grow by __________ just like ________."
  8. What makes bones move?  Write it in your NB....
  9. Print and label this skeleton. - You can ook at this skeleton for help.  Put it in your NB.
Day 9 Skeletal System (date it) Read the whole lesson before beginning!!!
  1. Play Concentration using skeletal terms.
  2. Write down 5 of the vocabulary terms you find.
  3. Take this test! Print out the results after you submit your answers.
  4. One more test! Print out the results after you submit your answers.
  5. Perform knee surgery. Login with USER easypeasy and PASSWORD allin1homeschool  After you are done with surgery, write down the types of patients you saw as a virtual doctor.  Write down 5 interesting facts you learned. (remember to use complete sentences)
Day 10 Digestive System (date it) Read the whole lesson before beginning!!!
  1. Read the Food and Nutrients chapter.
  2. Answer the 7 review questions in your NB - restating the questions.
Give me your NB when finished, so I can check your answers.
Day 11 Digestive System (date it) 
  1. Read the Digestive System chapter.
  2. Answer the review questions in your NB - restating the questions.

Give me your NB when finished, so I can check your answers.
Day 12 Digestive System (date it) 
  1. Print out the digestive system. Label it and date it.
  2. Fill out the crossword puzzle? Screenshot and print out when finished.
Day 13 Digestive System (date it) 
  1. Take a nutrition quizPrint out the results after you submit your answers.
  2. Take a digestion quizPrint out the results after you submit your answers.
Day 14 Digestive System (date it) 
  1. Take a testPrint out the results after you submit your answers.
  2. One more! Question number 2 should read “the organ labeled A,” not CPrint out the results after you submit your answers.
Day 15 Digestive System (date it) 
  1. Write the story of a doughnut being eaten and digested. You can write it as the doughnut speaking. OR, draw a diagram of its route and add labels telling what happens at each point.(Stories need complete sentences!!!)
Day 16 Digestive System (date it) READ the WHOLE Lesson FIRST!!!
  1. Write down EACH question on the quiz and the Correct answer - in your NB.
  2. Watch the video and take the quiz.
  3. Write down all the FACTS also!!!
Day 17 Digestive System (date it)
  1. Take the Skin QuizPrint out the results after you submit your answers.
  2. Do the skin word find. Print it out when you are finished.
Day 18 Muscular System 

  1. Muscular System Quiz Print out the results after you submit your answers.
  2. Fill in the muscles. And print it out when finished.
Give me your NB when finished, so I can check your answers.

Day 19 Circulatory System (easypeasy Day21)