Science Notebook
Day 1 Volume of cylinders- Watch this video, and then this video and this video.
- Complete the Water Displacement worksheets in your NB.
- Watch this video, then this video.
- Then watch this video.

- Read this page about Matter.
- Watch this video. Do the matching game, then the quiz.
- Look in your NB for this page. Complete it & put in your next NB page.
- Watch this video.
- Print out & complete this worksheet.
- Watch this video on the history of matter, again. Take NOTES.
- Take Science test #1 (covering everything we have done so far.)
Day 3 Atoms, Molecules and Elements
- Go to this site and look at lesson 1 & 2 - watch All the presentations, remember to zoom in.
- Watch this video.
- Print this worksheet
- Watch the Elements game powerpoint (see me first).
- Copy the Element-Compound-Mixture information to the right - into your NB.

- Print and complete this worksheet.
- Print and complete this worksheet.
- Watch this video.
- Go to this site and do the Lego Activity - you will use this worksheet.
Day 5 Chemical Reactions
- Watch this video.
- Watch this video.
- Print and complete this worksheet.
- Print this worksheet BEFORE watching Bill Nye, complete it as you watch. (date it)
- Watch Bill Nye Chemical Reactions video.
Day 6 atoms and the Periodic Table
- Print the“Atoms Family” Math sheet and complete.
- Watch this video.
- Take a look at how small atoms are. (Move the slider to the right and left)
- Watch this video
- Play the Periodic Table game.
- Coloring the Periodic Table Notes (pdf) Look in the Science Binder before you print it out. There is a Powerpoint to show you how it needs to be colored.
Day 7 Periodic Table Wrap up and Catch up day!!
- If you need to review the video on Atoms - here it is.
- Complete and glue the Bill Nye Atoms worksheet into your NB.
- Glue this worksheet into your NB. If you can't find it, reprint it.
- Glue this worksheet into your NB. If you can't find it, reprint it.
- Complete the“Atoms Family” Math sheet and glue it into your NB.
- Glue Bill Nye Chemical Reactions worksheet into your NB. If you can't find it, reprint it. If you need to review the video - here it is.
- Look at this video - click on any element and learn more about it. Use the information to complete your worksheets.
- If your science folder is all caught up and you want to make a molecule - I need to check your NB before continuing.
- With the information you have learned about molecules. atoms, and elements. You will make a molecule with our molecule kit. Decide which ones you will make before getting started. Make sure you have all the information you need to build it. Name, mass, group, elements, etc.
- When you are all done, we will take a photo and glue it into your NB.
Day 8 Gold
- Copy this page into your NB. date it
- Read about gold.
- Watch a video about gold.
- Find your element foldable - fill out the element tabs and add a picture to remind you what each one represents.
Day 9 Silver
- Copy this page into your NB. date it
- Read about silver.
- Watch a video about silver.
- Watch this video and this video about mining silver.
- Finish your element foldable.
Day 10 Energy
- Energy is what enables us to do our work. A roller coaster needs a certain amount of energy to do its work of pulling the weight of the cars from the beginning to the end. It uses mechanical energy.
- Read about energy. There are 2 types of energy STORED and WORKING.
- Look in your NB for Bill Nye ENERGY worksheet, then watch this video about energy.
- Now find the Types of Energy Foldable, me for instructions, before you put the worksheet in the NB.
- There are many forms of energy. We are going to focus on only 7 of them. Complete the foldable and glue it into your NB.
- Play this roller coaster game.
Day 11 Kinetic Energy
- There is potential energy and kinetic energy. From what you already read, it was explained as energy stored and energy working.
- Look at the picture toward the top of this page (guy with an arrow) and read the caption under him about the ball and arrow.
- Kinetic energy is the energy of an object in motion–the ball swinging or the arrowing flying through the air.
- There is a formula to figure out the kinetic energy of an object. Physicists use this to figure out if their roller coaster will work. The formula is Kinetic Energy equals One Half of the Mass of the object times its Speed Squared. The equation looks likes this. KE = 1/2 mv^2 (OR .5 X mass X speed X speed)
- Go to this page and try the problems 1 and 2 at the bottom. You can use a calculator.
- Find the ENERGY worksheet in your NB. Fill in the blanks and glue it into your NB.
- Find the Energy foldable sheets and put them in your NB. See me if you need help with it.
Day 12 and 13 Force and Motion (day 107)
Day 14 Friction
- Watch this video about Force, and then this video and then this video.
- Find your FORCE & MOTION foldable worksheet and glue it in your NB.
- Watch this video.
- Find your Bill Nye worksheet and THEN watch Bill Nye Motion, fill out the worksheet as you watch.
- Ask for the Force & Motion Unit Test when you ready.
- Play this forces in action game.
- Read and fill in the last three pages of this forces worksheet. The answer to number 1 is 4n right. You can do this. It’s a diagram of your two hands pushing against each other. Your left hand pushes and your right hand pushes more. Which way do your hands move? Do they move more when you push harder? Yes. That’s all these diagrams are showing.
- Print this worksheet on Friction. Answer the questions as you watch the video.
- Watch this video on Friction.
- Play this game about Friction.
- Read about velocity.
- Fill in these definition grids.
- Play launch ball.
- Read about momentum.
- Take the quiz. Print out this worksheet, answer the questions as you watch the videos.
- Watch this video then watch this video.
- If you want to try building a momentum machine here are the instructions.
- Play Puck Chuck!
Day 17 Laws of Motion review - Show what you know.
- Build a marble maze and demonstrate the three laws of motion. Demonstrate to your parents and show them each of the three laws of motion in action.
Day 18 and 19 Simple Machines- Print out this sheet.
- Watch this video.
- Watch this experiment and try it at home. Write up your experiment results on this Experiment Worksheet.
- Where are some inclined planes in your world? Here’s one example. List them in your NB with explanations, page number, date and title on your page.
- *Draw a picture of an inclined plane or write examples of inclined planes on this graphic organizer, then glue it into your NB.
Day 20 Simple Machines
The next simple machine we are going to learn about is the wedge.
- Scroll down and read the definition of wedge. Copy this definition into your NB. (Title and date with a page number.)
- Then copy the information below after the definition you just wrote.
- A wedge is like an inclined plane. It is slanted and comes to a point. The difference is that an inclined plane stays where it is put.
- The wedge does the moving. It is used to split things apart.
- How is a nail a wedge? Do you ever use your fingernail as a wedge?
5. Find 10 examples of wedges and write them in your NB.
6. Draw a wedge or list examples of wedges on your simple machines graphic organizer.
Day 21
The next simple machine we are going to learn about is the lever.
- Title and date your page about levers in your NB
- Write the definition of a lever in your NB. It is listed below:
Mechanics. a rigid bar that pivots about one point and that is used tomove an object at a second point by a force applied at a third.
Compare machine (def 4b).
- Draw a picture of a lever under the definition.
- Watch this video about levers.
Day 22
The next simple machine we are going to learn about is the screw.
Day 23The next simple machine we are going to learn about is the screw.
- Title and date your page about screws in your NB
- Scroll down and read the definition of a screw and write it in your NB.
- Turn an inclined plane into a screw.
- Examples of screws
- Draw a picture of a screw under the definition.
- Watch this video showing how a screw can help move things.
The next simple machine is the wheel and axel.
- Watch this video on wheel and axel.
- Title and date your page about wheel and axel in your NB.
- Write down your own definition of what a wheel and axel is.
- Look at how a doorknob works.
- Make a conveyor belt of pencils. Draw a picture of it in your NB when you're done. -- The pencils are your wheels. Choose something heavy to push. (Because books are usually smooth, choose a really heavy one or a stack of a few.) Write down how different is it pushing something heavy across a rug and pushing something across your pencil conveyor belt?
- How does your conveyor belt make your work (your work of pushing your heavy object) easier? Explain this in your NB.
- If you take one of those pencils and poke it through two bottle caps, you have created an axel.
- Look at these examples of wheels and axels.
- Draw a picture of a wheel and axel at the bottom of your NB page.
Day 24
The next simple machine is the pulley
The last simple machine is a gear.
- Title and date your page about gears.
- Watch this video on gears.
- Write down your definition of what a gear does.
- Draw a picture of a gear in your NB.
- Find a gear in your house to look at –a bike, an egg beater, a toy car, etc…
- Gears have teeth that interlock. The big gear turns a smaller gear. You turn the big gear around once, and it turns the little wheel lots of times. Like the inclined plane, pulley and others, it spreads out your effort to do your work.
- Read about gears.
- Watch these videos on simple machines. Part 1 Part 2
- Take these simple machine quizzes. Quiz 1 Quiz 2
- Print out the page with each quiz scores and glue into your NB.
END of Physical Science - Go to Earth Science.