Monday, October 12, 2015

Spanish I

Spanish Class
weeks 1-4

Week One 
Day 1
  1. Duolingo
  2. Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.
  3. Do the vocabulary recap and the practice here.
  4. Print and complete this worksheet.
  5. Watch this video.
  6. Turn your NB into the basket when you have completed everything for today.

Day 2
  1. Create a COVER for your NB.  
  2. Finish your Spanish vocabulary words and glue the images into your NB.
  3. Watch this video.  And follow what the red shirt guy does.
  4. Mirai Spanish- lessons 1-5 and the Super Quiz 1 (on iPad)
  5. Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.
  6. Do the vocabulary recap and the practice here.
  7. Print and complete this worksheet. Glue it in your NB - sideways. Date it.
  8. Print and complete this worksheet. Glue it in your NB - sideways. Date it.
  9. Turn your NB into the basket when you have completed everything for today.

Day 3

  1. Duolingo - get to 30xp before stopping.  Remember to Log in.
  2. Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.
  3. Do the vocabulary recap and the practice here.
  4. Go to this site and practice the vocabulary. See me if you need help.
  5. Print and complete this worksheetGlue it in your NB - sideways. Date it.
  6. Turn your NB into the basket when you have completed everything for today.

Day 4

  1. Mirai Spanish- lessons 6-10 and the Super Quiz 2 (on iPad)
  2. Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.
  3. Do the vocabulary recap and the practice here.
  4. Print and complete this worksheet.
  5. Print and play this card game.
  6. Turn your NB into the basket when you have completed everything for today.

Day 5
  1. Duolingo
  2. Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.
  3. Do the vocabulary recap and the practice here.
  4. Watch this video on 100 phrases.
  5. Print and complete this worksheet.
  6. Turn your NB into the basket when you have completed everything for today.

Day 6

  1. Mirai Spanish- lessons 11-15 & the Super Quiz 3
  2. Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.
  3. Do the vocabulary recap and the practice here.
  4. Print and complete this worksheet.
  5. Print and complete this worksheet.
Day 7
  1. Duolingo
  2. Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.
  3. Do the vocabulary recap and the practice here.
  4. Print and complete this worksheet.
  5. Go to this site and practice the vocabulary. See me if you need help.
  6. Print this file of worksheets. Label them with letters. Pick one to complete today.
Week Two 
Day 1
  1. Duolingo
  2. Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear
  3. Print and complete this worksheet.
  4. Print these flash cards.  Color, illustrate and put in NB.
Day 2
  1. Mirai Spanish- lessons 16-20 and the Super Quiz 4 
  2. Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.
  3. Print and complete this worksheet.
  4. Watch this video on 100 words.
Day 3
  1. Duolingo
  2. Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.
  3. Print and complete this worksheet.

Day 4
  1. Duolingo
  2. Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.
  3. Print and complete this worksheet.
Day 5
  1. Duolingo
  2. Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.
  3. Print and complete this worksheet.
  4. Print and complete section for 12 on this worksheet.
Day 6
  1. Duolingo
  2. Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.
  3. Print and complete section for 13 on this worksheet.
Day 7
  1. Duolingo
  2. Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.
  3. Print and complete this worksheet.

Week Three 

Day 1
  1. Duolingo
  2. Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.
  3. Print and complete this worksheet.

Day 2
Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.

Day 3
Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.

Day 4
Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.

Day 5
Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.

Day 6
Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.

Day 7
Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.


Week Four 

Day 1
Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.

Day 2

Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.

Day 3

Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.

Day 4

Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.

Day 5

Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.

Day 6

Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.

Day 7

Watch this video and answer the questions as they appear.