Monday, May 30, 2016

Psychology 101

Psychology 101

Credits: .5 (90 day course)
Test Prep: CLEP Psychology
Course Description: This course introduces students to the scientific study of human behavior and mental processes. Students will study the major subfields of psychology and the major contributors to the field. Ethics and methodology will be explored.  This course is based on the Georgia Virtual Learning Shared Resource Psychology curriculum.  
Day 1
  1. Print out your grading sheet or use the Excel version.
  2. Go to Unit 1, page 1. Read the Essential questions and introduction.
  3. *At the bottom of page 2, print out your vocabulary list.
  4. Listen to the first 1/3 of the Introduction to Psychology presentation on page 2. 
  5. Fill in definitions for the terms you don’t know as you listen.
Day 2-3
  1. Watch the rest of the introductory presentation on page 2 that you started yesterday. 
  2. Take notes. (This is long, but covers all of the material for this unit. I have given you two days to cover it.) 
  3. Fill in the vocabulary as you hear it.
Day 4
  1. Watch Discovering Psychology “Past, Present, and Promise” on page 2.
  2. Watch and complete Assignment 1 – Descriptive Statistics on page 3. Email the results to me when you are done.  Possible 10 points for completing it.
Day 5
  1. Watch the video “Psychology as a Profession” on page 2.
  2. Print out and complete Assignment 2 on the top right of page 3.   It doesn’t answer every question in the assignment, but will  at least give you an understanding of correlation and correlation coefficients.  Use this link to complete the assignment.
  3. Also do the Question for thought, Assignment 3. Give yourself 10 pts for each one completed (20 pts total.)
Day 6-7
  1. Do the Vocabulary/Concept Review and Test Yourself sections on page 4.
  2. Review your notes from day 2-3 and your vocabulary list for a test tomorrow.
Day 8*
  1. *Print out this test on Unit 1. Check your answers. Calculate your grade out of 100 points (There are four extra credit points possible.).
Day 9*
  1. Read the Essential Questions and Introduction to Unit 2.
  2. *Print out your vocabulary list on page 2. Listen to the first half of the unit presentation on page 2. Try to fill in vocabulary definitions as you go, and take notes on important concepts.
Day 10
  1. Listen to the second half of the Unit presentation on page 2. Take notes!
Day 11
  1. Do Assignment 2, the HOPES Brain Tutorial on page 3.
Day 12
  1. Do Assignment 3, the 3-D Brain Anatomy on page 3.
Day 13
  1. Watch “The Behaving Brain”. In this video, he calls the brainstem “the more primitive parts of the evolutionary brain”. Of course, we believe all of the brain was created at the same time, by God, when he made Adam. Our brain hasn’t evolved from other species.
Watch this video from Answers In Genesis “Refuting Evolution.”
  1. View the website on Assignment 6, “What is a Brain Scan Anyway” and click on all the different types of scans. Also take a look at the Brain Imaging site.
Day 14
  1. Watch “The Responsive Brain.” Evolution is again referenced in this video as if it were a fact.
  2. Watch Module 1 of the Brain Series (Assignment 4, page 3).
Day 15
  1. Watch Modules 5, 6, and 25 of the Brain Series (Assignment 4, page 3).
Day 16*
  1. *Print and answer questions on Assignment 1 on page 4. Give yourself 10 points if you follow all the instructions.
Day 17-18*
  1. *Print questions and complete both PsychSim modules on page 4. Give yourself 10 points for each module you complete (20 points total).
  2. Do the Review Section and study for your test.
Day 19
  1. Review for tomorrow’s test.
Day 20*
  1. *Print your Unit 2 Test and complete it. Check your answers Record your score out of 100. (There are 8 possible extra credit points.)
Day 21*
  1. *Print out your vocabulary list for Unit 3 from page 4.
  2. Read the Essential questions and Introduction for Unit 3.
  3. Listen to the Sensation presentation on page 2. Take notes! Try to fill in definitions for the vocabulary terms as you go along.
Day 22
  1. Listen to the presentation on Perception (page 3).
Day 23
  1. Watch the “Sensation and Perception” video from Discovering Psychology.
Day 24
  1. *Print and complete PsychSim Assignment 1, The Auditory System. Give yourself 10 points for completing it.  (If the link from the assignment does not work you can try this Auditory PsychSim.)
Day 25
  1. Watch “The Brain” modules 8-11.
Day 26*
  1. *Do the PsychSim Assignment 2. Give yourself 10 points for completing it.
Day 27
  1. Do the PsychQuest You may have to Google it if the link is not working. Give yourself 10 points for completing it.
  2. Do the review sections and study for the test.
Day 28
  1. Study for tomorrow’s test.
Day 29*
  1. *Print and complete the Unit 3 Test. Check your answers Calculate your grade out of 100 points. (There are 6 possible extra credit points.)
Day 30*
  1. Read Unit 4 Essential Questions and Introduction.
  2. *Print out vocabulary list.
  3. Watch the presentation on States of Consciousness on page 2. Try to fill out as many of your vocabulary terms as you can while you listen.
Day 31
  1. Watch Discovering Psychology “The Mind Awake and Asleep”.
Day 32
  1. Watch “The Brain” Modules 13-15.
Day 33*
  1. Read “What is Clinical Hypnosis?” and then read this for a Christian perspective on the subject.
  2. *Print handout and complete assignment 1 (PsychSim). Give yourself 10 points for completing it.
Day 34
  1. Complete Assignment 4 (you don’t need to take the Sleep Test; just go straight to the sleep disorders tab.) Give yourself 10 points if you follow the instructions and complete it.
Day 35
  1. Complete Assignment 5 (Psychquest….you may need to google this to find the link). Give yourself 10 points for completing it.
  2. Do the review sections on page 4 and start studying for your test.
Day 36
  1. Study for tomorrow’s test.
Day 37*
  1. *Print out Unit 4 Test and complete it. Check your answers  Calculate your score out of 100 points. (There are six possible extra credit points.)
Day 38*
  1. *Print out Unit 5 vocabulary list. Try to fill in as many definitions as you can while listening to the presentations and videos.
  2. Read the Essential Questions and Introduction on page 1.
  3. Listen to the presentation on Learning on page 2.
Day 39
  1. Listen to the presentations on Memory and Thinking on pages 3 and 4. Fill in as many of your vocabulary definitions as you can.
Day 40
  1. Watch the Discovering Psychology module on Learning.
Day 41
  1. Watch Discovering Psychology “Remembering & Forgetting.”
Day 42
  1. Watch the Discovering Psychology module on Cognitive Processes.
Day 43
  1. Watch Discovering Psychology “Judgment and Decision making.”
Day 44*
  1. *Print out the Assignment 1 worksheet and complete Assignment 1 (PsychSim) on Classical Conditioning. Give yourself 10 points for completing it.
Day 45*
  1. *Print out and complete Assignment 2 (PsychSim) on Operant Conditoning. Give yourself 10 points for completing it.
  2. Calculate your midterm grade using your grading sheet.
Day 46*
  1. *Print out your second quarter grading sheet or use the Excel version.
  2. Complete the PsychQuest module on Memory. Give yourself 10 points for completing it.
  3. Do the Review activities on page 6. Begin studying for your test.
Day 47-48
  1. Review for tomorrow’s test.
Day 49*
  1. *Print out the Unit 5 Test and complete it. Check your answers Calculate your grade out of 100 points. (There are 10 possible extra credit points.)
Day 50*
  1. *Print out the vocabulary terms on page 2 of Unit 6.
  2. Read the Essential Questions and Introduction on page 1.
  3. Listen to the presentation on Motivation and Emotion on page 2. Try to fill in as many vocabulary terms as you can while you listen.
Day 51
  1. Read this chapter on Motivation and Emotion. Be sure to click though and read all three sections.
  2. Complete the PsychQuest Assignment – How Do We Control How Much We Eat? Give yourself 10 points for completing it.
Day 52*
  1. *Print the questions and complete Assignment 1 – Hunger and the Fat Rat. Give yourself 10 points for completing it.
  2. Do the review exercises on page 4 and start studying for your test.
Day 53
  1. Study for tomorrow’s test.
Day 54*
  1. *Print out and complete this Unit 6 Test. Check your answers  Calculate your grade out of 50 points. (There are 4 possible extra credit points.)
Day 55*
  1. *Print out the vocabulary list from page 3 of Unit 7. Listen to the Child Development presentation on page 2. (You can skip the learning presentation. We already listened to this in another unit.) Try to define as many terms as you can while you listen.
Day 56
  1. Watch Discovering Psychology video “The Developing Child”. (Nudity warning: A female is exposed during live childbirth in this video.)
Day 57*
  1. Watch Discovering Psychology “Language Development” on page 3.
  2. *Print and complete PsychSim Assignment 2 on page 4, “Cognitive Development”. Give yourself 10 points for completing it.
Day 58
  1. Watch Discovering Psychology “Maturing and Aging” on page 3.
  2. Do the Assignment 3 “Photo Assignment” on page 4. This will be due on Day 61. It will be worth 50 points, so give it your best effort! Erikson’s stages are something that you will definitely see in the future in many different classes, so it’s a good idea to get them under your belt now.
Day 59
  1. Watch “The Mind” modules 12, 16, and 24.
  2. Work on the Photo Assignment.
Day 60-61
  1. Do the review exercises on page 5 and studying for your test.
  2. Finish your photo assignment. Present it to someone. Give yourself 50 points if you have followed the directions for the assignment.
Day 62*
  1. *Print out and complete the Unit 7 Test. Check your answers Calculate your grade out of 100 points. (There are 8 possible extra credit points.)
Day 63*
  1. *Print your vocabulary list for Unit 8 from page 3.
  2. Listen to the “Personality” presentation on page 2.
Day 64
  1. Listen to the “Stress” presentation on page 3.
  2. Watch Discovering Psychology “Health, Mind, and Behavior”.
Day 65
  1. Read Chapter 4 on Psychoanalytic Theory. Take notes.
  2. Take the Personality Inventory (number 5) on page 3.
Day 66
  1. Read Chapter 5, sections 2, 3, and 5; and Chapter 7, sections 1 and 4. Take notes.
  2. Take the Big Five Questionnaire on page 3.
Day 67*
  1. Read Chapter 8, sections 1 and 4, and Chapter 10, Section 2. Take notes.
  2. *Print out and complete the Kiersey Temperment Activity (Assignment 1) on page 4. Give yourself 10 points for completing it.
Day 68*
  1. *Print out and complete the PsychSim Assignment on page 4, “All Stressed Out”. Give yourself 10 points for completing it.
  2. Do the review sections on page 5.
Day 69-70
  1. Study for tomorrow’s test. Be sure to review the various personality theorists and their theories. (There is very little of the stress content on the test. You should focus your study on the personality section.)
Day 71*
  1. *Print and complete the Unit 8 Test. Check your answers Calculate your grade out of 100 points. (There are six possible extra credit points.)
Day 72*
  1. *Print out your vocabulary list from page 2.
  2. Listen to the intelligence presentation on page 2. Try to fill in as many of your vocabulary terms as possible while you listen.
Day 73*
  1. Watch Discovering Psychology “Testing and Intelligence” on page 2.
  2. *Print and complete the PsychSim assignment 1 on page 3. Give yourself 10 points for completing it.
Day 74
  1. Read section 7 on page 2 (Gardener’s Multiple Intelligences) and then take the MI Inventory (section 8 on page 2).
  2. Watch the Marshmallow study video under Assignment 3 on page 3. You don’t have to do the writing assignment.
Day 75
  1. Do Assignment 5 (the SAT) on page 3. Give yourself 10 points for completing it.
  2. Read this explanation of savant syndrome.
  3. Do the review sections on page 4.
Day 76
  1. Study for tomorrow’s test.
Day 77*
  1. *Print and complete the Unit 9 Test. Check your answers   Calculate your grade out of 50 points. (There are four possible extra credit points.)
Day 78*
  1. *Print out the vocabulary terms for Unit 10 on page 2.
  2. Listen to the presentation on Abnormal Psychology and Treatment on page 2.
  3. Take a look at the DSM (number 8 on page 2). Click on at least 2 disorders and read the diagnostic criteria.
Day 79
  1. Watch Discovering Psychology “Psychopathology” video.
  2. Print and complete Assignment 1 on page 3, “PsychQuest: Why Do We Feel Depressed?” Give yourself 10 points for completing it.
Day 80*
  1. Watch Discovering Psychology “Psychotherapy” video.
  2. *Print and complete Assignment 3 on page 3, “PsychSim module: Mystery Client.” Give yourself 10 points for completing it.
Day 81
  1. Do the review activities on page 4.
  2. Begin studying for your unit test.
Day 82-83
  1. Study for tomorrow’s test.
Day 84*
  1. *Print and complete Unit 10 Test. Check your answers Calculate your grade out of 100 points. (There are eight possible extra credit points.)
Day 85*
  1. *Print the Unit 11 vocabulary list from page 2.
  2. Listen to the presentation on social psychology. Try to fill in as many of your vocabulary terms as you can while you listen.
Day 86
  1. Watch Discovering Psychology “The Power of the Situation”.
  2. Review the first Social Psychology website (number 3 on page 2).
Day 87
  1. Watch Discovering Psychology “Constructing Social Reality”.
  2. Do PsychQuest Assignment 1 on social stereotypes. Give yourself 10 points for completing it.
Day 88
  1. Do the PsychQuest Assignment 3 on how we pick our mates. Give yourself 10 points for completing it.
  2. Do the review activities on page 4.
Day 89
  1. Study for tomorrow’s test.
Day 90*
  1. *Print and complete Unit 11 Test. Check your answers  Calculate your grade out of 50 points. (There are 14 possible extra credit points.)
This is the end of the course.  There will not be a final exam. You may use your grading sheet to calculate your final grade.
2:22 PMTowner