Thursday, August 25, 2016

Informational Text Interactive Notebook

YouTube Videos are in the Playlist called Grammar Videos are in the Informational Text Custom Course

Define Information Text
Hint: Author's purpose - PIE - 2 videos to watch.

Identifying Quality Sources
Google search to find out what a Quality Scholarly Source - 5 Characteristics
Find 2 Scholarly Sources for  _______ , note the links, and EXPLAIN why they are credible.
Follow directions and read the article listed on your worksheet and fill out the answers.

Annotating A Text (Grammar Playlist) Watch the 2 annotating videos.
Read the Gettysburg Address page and cut out the speech.
Follow the directions on the annotating text

Cause & Effect (Grammar Playlist) Watch the Welcome to Earth video. - watch How to find Cause and Effect video.
Read the article - "After lean acorn crop... " Click here
Follow directions on your worksheet

Sandwiching Quotes
Google to find and read the article - "Brain Candy" from the The New Yorker Magazine.
Print out the article and annotate it.  Put it into your INB. (Grammar Playlist) watch the Sandwiching Quotes video.
Here are 2 sites to help you with the worksheet.  Click here and Click here
Follow directions on your worksheet

Citing Textual Evidence - watch Citing Textual Evidence video.
Read "Space Exploration..." Click here
Follow directions on your worksheet

Central Ideas - watch How to find the theme or central idea video.
Read "How climate change will..." Click here
Follow directions on your worksheet

Objective Summaries
Read/View the speech - "You are not special commencement speech from Wellesley High School" -Google it.
Follow directions on your worksheet

Author's Perspective
Watch this video.  Then this one.  For narrator point of view.
Go to and watch Writing for your Audience.
Read this article and follow directions on your worksheet.

Sequence of Events
Read "The Evolution of Technology" Click here
Follow directions on your worksheet

Words, Terms, & Phrases
Read "Happiness is a Glass Half Empty" Click here
Follow directions on your worksheet

Connotative VS Denotative Meanings (Grammar Playlist) Watch the Martin Luther King Speech.
Print out the speech. Click here
Annotate the copy paying attention to:
    • ●  the central ideas and themes of the speech (freedom, justice, brotherhood/sisterhood);
    • ●  the meaning of the words and phrases as they are used in the speech, including how
          King uses the same key terms over the course of a text; and
    • ●  how the speech is structured, including key sentences, paragraphs, and larger portions
          of the text. 
Follow directions on your worksheet

Fact VS Myth
Read "Here's how sugar might..." Click here
Follow directions on your worksheet

Newspaper Article
Go to the GJSentinel website and read the front page article.  Print it out.
Follow directions on your worksheet

Blog Posts
Read "The internet can make you..." Click here
Follow directions on your worksheet

News Broadcast
Watch the 9/11 broadcast on CNN.  Click here {you don't have to watch the entire broadcast}
Follow directions on your worksheet

Historical Document
Read about the Magna Carta.  Click here
Follow directions on your worksheet (Grammar Playlist) Watch the What is the Magna Carta?

Types of Propaganda (Grammar Playlist) Watch the Propaganda videos.
Find an advertisement to print.
Follow directions on your worksheet

Public Service Announcements
Google search - Public Service Announcement and choose 6 videos to watch.
Follow directions on your worksheet


1:09 PMTowner