Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Reading NB

Day 1  Short Responses 

  1. Read this page to understand ACE.
  2. Watch this short video or this video about text evidence.
  3. Read this short story about a dentist.
  4. Find the ACE worksheet in your NB.  In the top empty "bubble" write -- "Why did the dentist tell his son to say he was not there? and Why did the mayor not get any anesthesia?" Complete the bubbles and glue into your NB when you are finished.
  5. Choose an ACE card activity from the other worksheet, to cut out and glue into your NB.
  6. Play the Notebook Detective.
  7. Turn your NB into the basket when you have completed everything for today.


Day 2 Characterization
  1. Find the next double blank page in your NB, date it and title it Character Traits.  Click on this page.  Choose at least 20 different character traits from the list. Making 2 columns in your NB, add them to your page, skipping a line between each one.  Create a nice border around your page. 
  2. On the opposite page, glue this Characterization foldable in your NB.
  3. Complete this worksheet and glue it into the next page and date it. 
  4. Draw a character in the center (Mr. Frederickson, Ironman, Harry Potter, Percy, etc) Then add traits to the bubbles and boxes to add details that you know about him/her.  Glue the worksheet in your NB.
  5. Watch This video or This video.

Day 3 Types of Characters
  1. Read through this powerpoint.
  2. Watch this video
  3. Find the 2 page Character Type foldable sheets in your NB.  Color each shape, and cut out the foldables, glue them into your NB then fill in the definitions underneath.
  4. Open this 2 page worksheet.  You can read the first page on the screen or print it out.  The 2nd page you will complete after reading page 1.  Glue page 2 into your NB when you are finished. 

Day 4 Direct/Indirect Characterization

  1. Look through this powerpoint on characterization.
  2. Find the next blank page in your NB, date it.  Then fold it hotdog style.  On the top of one side write Direct and on the other side write Indirect.  Color each side a different color.  Write the definition of each under their names and then list at least 2 examples. See the picture above for an example.
  3. Print these 2 pages, complete them and glue into your NB.
  4. Watch this video  and then this video on characterization.
  5. Find the S-T-E-A-L foldable in your NB, color it, cut it out, and glue it into your NB.  Look at this page that will help you fill in information under the flaps.
**Make sure you have page numbers on all of your pages and you are writing each project into your table of contents each day.

Day 5 Point of View
  1. Find the Point of View #1 worksheet in your NB.  Cut out the pieces and glue into your NB.
  2. Watch this video about point of view and then this one.
  3. Find your Name that Point of View worksheet.  Cut out the pieces, complete it and glue it in your NB.
  4. Find the Point of View #2 worksheet in your NB.  Cut out the pieces and glue into your NB.
  5. Find your Sunglasses worksheet.  Cut each of them out and glue into your next blank page.  Date it.
  6. Play this Game.  Get 10 correct before quitting.
  7. Watch this video about point of view and this one.


Day 6 Literary Elements

  1. Watch Video 1 then Video 2.
  2. Draw your version of this page into your NB.
  3. Complete the Literary Elements foldable and add to your NB. NOTE: Draw an example of each item on the top of the tab, place the definitions under the correct tab.
  4. Play this game. I used level one and theme three and got 19,000 points.  Can you beat me?
  5. Play this game
Day 7 Literacy Device/Figurative Language
  1. Watch this video about figurative language. Then watch this one.
  2. Watch this video abouliterary devices.
  3. Find your Literary Devices foldable in your NB.  Color each term a different color.
  4. You can use this page or Google to find the definitions of the terms.
  5. The definitions are glued in place under the tabs. 


Day 8 Tone and Mood
  1. Watch this video.  Tell me what the Mood or Tone of the story after you watch it.
  2. Find ToneMood Man in your NB.  Write the definition of each word in the boxes.
  3. Look at this page....Write words that represent the MOOD inside the man.  Write words that represent the TONE around the man.
  4. Watch this video. How does word choice help with the mood of the story?
  5. Finish your Literary Devices Foldable - look up the definitions on google.
Day 9 Imagery

  1. Watch this video about Imagery.
  2. With Imagery you are going to "SHOW, not tell."  On the next blank page, write the title IMAGERY, date it, and add a page number.  Create this page but separate the definition from the examples so they are easier to read.  Make it look artistic.
  3. Watch this video.  Then this video.
  4. Find the Imagery Lesson 13: worksheets #1and #2 in your NB.

Evaluate #2 with colors by circling or coloring each element in the story. 
(Color Key: sights=bluesounds=orangesmells=purple,,tastes=redfeelings=pinktouch=green)  
Glue #2 in your NB on the sides, Then glue #1 on top.  

Color each of the senses with the coordinating colors for each description 

(for example eye = blue, ear=orange).

Day 10 Denotation and Connotation
  1. On the next blank page in your NB.  Write the title, page number and date.
  2. Find the definition of Denotation.
  3. Find the definition of Connotation.
  4. Find the Denotation/Connotation Worksheet in your NB.  On the front of the Denotation book, write the definition.  On the Connotation paint pallet, color each oval a different color.  Glue it into your NB and under the flap, write the definition.  
  5. Find 5 examples of these 2 ideas.  And write them on the same page as your foldables, you should have 2 sentences to define each term.  Here is mine: A snake is a slithery reptile. (this is denotation because it is the actual definition)  That man is a snake, he can't be trusted. (this is connotation, because it portrays the man as a bad person, NOT as an actual reptile)
Here are some more examples to get you started:

  • Those who are lonely and detached live in a house. Those who live with loved ones and in happiness live in a home.
  • mother and father have each had a child. A mom and a dad are loving parents.
  • Many wise men have made plans. Many cunning scoundrels have devised a scheme.
  • Pushy salespeople are to be avoided. Aggressive salespeople make a lot of money.
Day 11 Catch up Day
All of your lessons should be caught up by today.  Use this time to be ready to start Day 12 tomorrow.

Day 12 Soapstone
  1. Copy this page into the next blank page your NB, title it and date it.
  2. You are going to learn how to read something and look for "details" in the writing.  Things that are not necessarily always spelled out for you when reading  For instance, the author may say the sky was clear and blue, and you might decide that it was NOT raining.  Or the author described the girls dress and you would know that she was on her way to school or a funeral or outside to play depending on the characteristics of the description by the author.  You will start doing this type of "detail research" in your reading.
  3. Watch this video to help to learn how analyze your reading or writing.
  4. Find your SOAPSTONE foldable, complete the definitions and glue it into your NB.
  5. You are going to read "The Pit and the Pendulum"- please read at least 10 pages or more today.
Day 13 The Pit and The Pendulum
  1. Finish reading or if you need to , then re-read "The Pit and the Pendulum"
  2. You will need to do some research on the author on google.  Find some interesting facts about him. Find the Pit and Pendulum I foldable and glue it into your NB.
  3. Complete your Pit and Pendulum II foldable and glue it into your NB.
  4. Try this quiz.
Day 14 The Pit and The Pendulum cont.

  1. If you need to re-read "The Pit and the Pendulum"
  2. Complete your Pit and Pendulum III foldable and glue it into your NB.
  3. Try this quiz.
Day 15 The Pit and The Pendulum cont.
  1. If you need to re-read "The Pit and the Pendulum"
  2. Complete your Pit and Pendulum IV foldable and glue it into your NB.
  3. Pick 2 of these quizzes to complete.  Write down the name of the quiz you chose and your scores on the IV foldable at the top.
Day 16 Symbolism
  1. Copy this page into the next blank page in your NB. (date, page #, Title)
  2. Watch this video about symbolism.
  3. Find your foldable and read The Sick Rose, then complete and glue it into your NB.
  4. Try this quiz.
Day 17 Irony - Read the entire lesson before beginning, find all your handouts and ask questions before you start.  You should use 3 separate pages in your NB for this lesson.
(At the top of each page there should be DAY 17, Today's date and a Title)
  1. PAGE: 1 - Copy this page into the next blank page in your NB. Skip the black text at the bottom.  [Here are some of the missing parts....Irony: The use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning.  Situational Irony: When the outcome of the situation is not what was expected.  Dramatic Irony: When the reader of the story knows something that the characters don't.]  Copy the whole thing not just what I wrote here.
  2. Watch this video and this video and this video about types of irony
  3. PAGE: 2 - Find the Irony foldable and glue it into your NB.  Color or outline each tab in  a different color.  Under each flap write 1. the definition and then 2. an example.
  4. PAGE: 3 - Find the "Practice & Assess Reading - Irony" worksheet.  Fill it out completely.  Fold them each in half and glue them into the same page in your NB.  

Study Unit - The Red Pony.  All handouts are in the GREEN Folder.

Day 18 - The Red Pony: Responsibility

Read the entire lesson before beginning, find all your handouts and ask questions before you start.  You should use 3 separate pages in your NB for this lesson.

(At the top of each page there should be DAY 18, Today's date and a Title)

1.  Read pages 1-4.

2.  Find the Handout C - Read the handout C instructions and put it back in the folder.  
3.  PAGE 1Find the worksheet with #1 ESSAY PROMPT at the top. Fill out worksheet as instructed, then glue it into your NB.
4. PAGE 2 - In the next blank page in your NB - (At the top of the page there should be DAY 18, Today's date and Lesson Title).  Make a list of all the items you added to the bubbles, making sure they are in complete sentences.
5.  When you are finished today, come tell me what the first 4 pages were about that you read today.

Day 19 - The Red Pony: Responsibility and John Steinbeck Growing Up

Read the entire lesson before beginning today, find all your handouts and ask questions before you start.  You should use 3 separate pages in your NB for this lesson.

(At the top of each page there should be DAY 19, Today's date and a Title)

1.  Read pages 5-9.

2.  Find the handouts "Growing up in the Salinas Housing..." at the top (pages 14 & 15).    Read the handout pages and put them back in the folder
3.  PAGE 1 - the Handout F - Fill out worksheet as instructed, fold it in half and glue it into your NB. 
32. Tell me what number is next to this sentence.
4.  PAGE 2 - In the next blank page in your NB - (At the top of the page write RESPONSIBILITY).  This will be an essay page that you will add to each day.  First, look back at the page with your list of all the items you added to the bubbles.  Write a sentence as your introduction sentence to your essay.  Here are some examples - I believe it is great to be responsible.  OR I hate having responsibilities.  OR When you are responsible you feel grown up... You can not use these - write your own version, as it is your essay with your ideas of what responsibility is.  Make it an interesting sentence that will make me want to keep reading.
5.  When you are finished today, come tell me what dad told Jody about the red colt's stall?

Day 20 - The Red Pony: Vocabulary

Read the entire lesson before beginning today, find all your handouts and ask questions before you start.  You should use 3 separate pages in your NB for this lesson.

(At the top of each page there should be DAY 20, Today's date and a Title)

1. Read pages 10-14
2. PAGE 1 - Find the Handout G, Read about the different types of ranches and fill out the bottom.  Fold it in half and glue it into your NB.
3. PAGE 2 - Find Handout D & E - Read the directions and complete it, then fold in half and glue them onto the same page in your NB.
4. Tell me what the temperature is right now outside.
5. Go back and.. Find your writing page in your NB titled RESPONSIBILITY.  Now look back again at the page with your list of all the items you added to the bubbles.  Write another sentence that describes or explains your first sentence.  Bring it to me if you need help or don't understand.  Write another sentence that gives a reason why you feel this way.
6. Tell me what Billy Buck told Jody about horses and their feet.

Day 21 - The Red Pony: The Gift Symbols

Read the entire lesson before beginning today, find all your handouts and ask questions before you start.  You should use 3 separate pages in your NB for this lesson.

(At the top of each page there should be DAY 21, Today's date and a Title)

1.  Read pages 15-20
2.  Go back and.. Find your writing page in your NB titled RESPONSIBILITY.  Now look back again at the page with your list of all the items you added to the bubbles.  Finish writing more sentences based on what you wrote in your bubbles and explaining each one with another sentence.  If you don't understand bring it to me.
3.  Page 1 - Find Handout K - Read the directions and complete it, then fold in half and glue it in your NB.
4.  Come and tell me what time it is.
5.  Come tell me...When will Jody be able to throw his leg over the pony's back?  What is the pony's name?

Day 22 - The Red Pony: The Gift Characters

Read the entire lesson before beginning today, find all your handouts and ask questions before you start.  You should use 3 separate pages in your NB for this lesson.

(At the top of each page there should be DAY 22, Today's date and a Title)

1. Read pages 21- 29
2. Page 1and 2 - Find Handouts L1, L2, L3, L4 - Read the directions and complete them, then fold each in half and glue into your NB.

Day 23 - The Red Pony: The Gift Essays

Read the entire lesson before beginning today, find all your handouts and ask questions before you start.  You should use 3 separate pages in your NB for this lesson.

(At the top of each page there should be DAY 23, Today's date and a Title)

1. Read pages 30-37
2. Today you are going to start a Mini Essay Lesson.  It may take you a few days to complete.  You will show me what you wrote at the end of the day.  Find Handout N - and read the directions. 
3.  If you don't understand, please come see me BEFORE you begin.
4.  Page 1 and 2 - Choose the 5 essays you will be writing, then come see me and ask how you will lay them out in your NB.  Page 1 will be for prompts from the left column, and Page 2 will be from the right column.
5. Come tell me -- Why didn't Jody go in for lunch that day?  Why did Jody try to kill the black buzzard?  What was your favorite or least favorite part of The Gift?


Day 24 - The Red Pony: The Great Mountains

Read the entire lesson before beginning today, find all your handouts and ask questions before you start.  You should use 3 separate pages in your NB for this lesson.

  1. Read pages 38-46
  2. Complete the following questions in your NB.  COMPLETE SENTENCES!! [date, etc]
  • What time of year is it in this chapter?
  • What does Jody do to pass the time?  
  • Has Jody's demeanor changed from the first chapter? If so, how?
  • Who is Gitano?
  • Why did he come back? 
  • Why doesn't Jody's dad want him to stay?
  • Where did Gitano sleep the first night?
  • What is a paisano? (List the site(s) where you found the information)

3. Find the RESOURCES worksheet in the green folder. {put it back when finished!}
Answer the Steinbeck Internet Workshop questions in your NB, with complete sentences, restating the question.
4.  Fill out the CHARACTERS Handout L2 - draw your characters and list their traits.

Day 25 - The Red Pony: The Great Mountains
  1. Read pages 47-55
  2. Complete the following questions in your NB.  COMPLETE SENTENCES!!
  • Why didn't Gitano sit when he came in the kitchen for supper?
  • What was in Gitano's lap when Jody walked into the barn? (Draw a picture of what you think it looks like)
  • Why did Gitano take Easter and go into the mountains?
  • Why did he leave his bag behind in the barn?
  • Why didn't Jody's dad send someone after him into the mountains?
  • What are some of the common elements of Easter and Gitano?
3. Fill out Venn Diagram Handout L3 for Carl and Billy Buck

Day 26 - The Red Pony: The Great Mountains - PERSUASIVE ESSAY
  1. Find the 'Writing a Persuasive letter" packet in the green folder - you each have one.
  2. Choose a saying to write about "no pain, no gain" OR "it is better to have loved and lost..."
  3. Fill out the Handout R2
  4. Fill out the outline with complete sentences

Day 27 - The Red Pony: The Great Mountains - PERSUASIVE ESSAY

  1. Rewrite your rough draft essay on a notebook paper, making your essay more descriptive.  You should have at least 2 full pages.
  2. Reread your essay out loud before you give it to me to correct.

Day 28 - The Red Pony: The Great Mountains - PERSUASIVE ESSAY
  1. Read pages 58-63

Quiz at the end of The Red Pony

Analyzing Texts Guideline.

CC Lessons on POV, theme, authors purpose, genre, characterization, figurative language.

Watch this video.  Tell me the theme of the story.

Watch this video about a thesis.

Watch this video.  Tell me the Mood or Tone of the story.

Watch this video. How does word choice help with the mood of the story?

Watch this video about conflict.

Watch this video about imagery.

Watch this video about elements of drama.

Watch this video about figurative language.  Then watch this one.

Watch this video on annotation. Then this one.


Elements of Stories

Book List

Book List 6th Book List 8th 
Fahrenheit 451 Flowers for Algernon
The Pearl The Pearl
1984 Animal Farm
the Great Gatsby the Catcher in the Rye
Lord of the Flies House on Mango Street
The Outsiders Midsummer Night's Dream
Diary of Anne Frank Diary of Anne Frank